- Details
Brief description of the project:
The objective of the project is to ensure the target group's access to long-term rental housing. This objective will be fulfilled by buying real estate, building modifications and acquiring the basic equipment of housing units, resulting in 6 new social apartments with total possible accommodation capacity for 20 persons. The project "KOMUNA PLUS - SOCIAL HABITATION JABLONEC NAD NISOU" is realized in the street Na Šumavě 1513/50 in Jablonec nad Nisou.
Project target groups:
The project, as well as the main goals of the registered association KOMUNA PLUS, focuses on people in economically active age who are in residential need, ie they meet the parameters of ETHOS (European typology of homelessness and exclusion from housing in the Czech Republic).
We want to work with families with children as the most needed subgroup of national housing policy. Other categories of target groups will include: people sleeping outdoors (eg streets, underpass, railway station, airports, public transport, means, canals, caves, parked carriages, tents, garages, laundries, cellars and home soil, wrecks ), men and women in a shelter, mothers or fathers with children in a shelter, full families in a shelter, people in a half-way home, people in a public commercial dormitory (they have no other option to living), people in the shelter after eviction from the apartment, children after leaving a child institution or foster care, men and women of senior age, invalids long-term residents in a shelter, persons temporarily living with relatives or friends. Also, persons who have been dismissed from a rental flat, people living in an inappropriate building - unfit for habitation (formerly suitable for housing), persons before bandoning from the medical facility and men and women of senior age (If the condition of at least another 50% household members are in the economically productive age, ie aged 15 to 64. When applying this condition, children and young people under 14 years of age are not included).
The project "KOMUNA PLUS - SOCIAL HOUSING JABLONEC NAD NISOU" is co-financed by the European Union.